Friday, June 26, 2009

Words From Tim

on the joys of freedom and girls.

Which Tim this is remains hush hush as his immediate reaction after the conversation was DONT BLOG ABOUT ME. but splish splash, i know a million and one Tims which you people probably know or dont know so in the end on which Tim this really is no one will really know =D

and i quoteeeeee "girls are like dishes at a buffet spread. imagine having to just choose one dish for the rest of your life and stick to it. cannot right?? it's so hard right!!! how can you just choose one dish when you're at a buffet!"

and it astounds me how one can so nochalantly refer a partner to a dish on a buffet spread but i guess i was never really the one who could understand jumping from one guy to another. not that i judge, i mean if ure switching bfs and gfs all the time but with no real attachment then yeah hell go ahead but really to those that are just with their partners for benefits and then dump them when they think they're useless, I EAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU FOR BREAKFAST.

on what point of this post be i have no idea but i felt like my blog hasnt been updated for some time and the idea of picture spamming just takes too much effort right now.

actually there were some initial ideas swimming around the empty depths of my head but as always once this is open the ideas sink an i forget what the hell it was i was about to go on about .___.

but on a less serious note. i like chocolate chip cookies. yeay

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