Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Of Constipation and Complaints

so yesterday after my massive emo attack them boys brought me out to shisha and for the first time in a lonnngg loonnngg time, i got dizzy and high and it lasted for over an hour which resulted in me toppling over and giggling like the deranged child i am.

in the process of this semi drunkened state, i proclaimed very confidently to the boyfriend " HOR I KNOW WHY I SO FAT AND DULAN AND UNCOMFORTABLE!! I HAVENT SHIT IN A LONG LONG TIME!! but why liddat wan!!! how can a vegetarian suffer from constipation!!! its so wrong!!!"

to which he replied " this proves there's something wrong with you and you should go for a check up" to which i sulkily folder my arms sat back down in the car seat and gave him a "hmph"


i ended up in the toilet 3 times and 2 out of those 3 times my shit was so massive it wouldnt go down .____. and no i am not suffering from food poisoning but wth. the irony of me talking about having constipation and then going to the toilet that many times in a day is just so in your face @_@

okay. maybe you didnt need to know that but i had fun telling you anyway so mieh

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