Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where art thou thy Benadryl

or however u spell that.

day 4 of sick kid who skipped meeting the weirdos and slept at midnight. whoooo... and who had crazy expensive steamboat T___T mieh.. okay la.not crazy expensive la but when ure sick and exams are nearing with no time for work its expensive.

garh. broke ass kid on the loose.

so the tragedy is this. i, miss anti cough syrup queen who still antis the doctor more, shamefully went up to the boy with the saddest most pathethic eyes ever and concluded that she will once and for all try his beloved benadryl cough syrup which he drinks straight from the bottle like it's coke.

ONLY for the pharmacies in the vicinity of her area to tell her its SOLD OUT!!??!? omgwtfbbq how can this be!!! maybe its the medicine facilities evil plot to overcome recession by sending out this evil cough/flu viru so medicine sales go up!! its a conspiracy i tell you.

oh great. 1 week to the exams and im still messing around and rolling around in bed sick as a dog.

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