Sunday, August 28, 2005


my insecurities just keep coming back...afraid... i realised im actually really afraid of being in a serious relationship again... eventhough it's with the same person.. but the thought of the past repeating itself really scares me.. woke up this morning..with a dream... the same kind that happened a few days before out 2 month long break up... and then after that... when we did get back together..the dreams just keep reoccuring... what's that suppose to mean? a sign? a warning? or just me....being insecure??

it's depressing...i don't know what to do.. but then it's my problem so what else can i do but figure it out? sadly..the more i think about it..the more i choose to run away ... but by running..i get hurt in the end... probably not making much sense... really tensed up and moody right now.. what's trials are tomorrow..and i havent touched my books.. so...hahah... i don't really know...

time passes so fast lately...if i could have any super power i wanted.. (people always ask me this but i can never answer anything except talk to animals) i want to be able to freeze time for as long as i like....why?

so i can stay in that special moment for as long as i want... no problems no nothing... just me and him....

i feel like crying.......................

(2.oo p.m edit : it's bcuz...i'm already in it...without realising...i gave u my heart entirely again...........................hahaha..........................................................)
