Friday, April 29, 2005


its funny how pplalways tend to trust the wrong me.. after 15 yrs..i still always trust the strangest ppl .. but then there are those that really r trustworthy * u guys know who u r * i dont even know what im babbling about today but just one of my random ponderings as usual

today...not much work!! xD but dammit..i ddint know bm was the 1st lesson so i onli memorised my lisan this morning and i got all b!! wargghhH!! but im gonna redo on monday ^-^ hehee

sej..we went to watch khek mong play... =/ poor guy lost er....can c he played quite badly..miss a lot..oh well..he won doubles i think.. 4got di...well not 4got..ppl tell me not sure

i dont know/ was a pretty weird n complicated day..from 1 event to 1 minute its happy..1 minute its sad..then happy then sad then happy?? stonnneedd.. no idea wads up with that... but my life tends to get more complicated lately

u muz all b wondering.. WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT??!?!?! to be wondering just that as well.. oh off to bathe...ian n lp's bday...didnt get her pressie..waiting 4 my hamsters to get pregnant.. kakakakaka
