why the tom yam.. oh chee weng said killer "=_=
we were not expecting this..blinks.. its quite a funny story but got ppl harassing me now..so i cannot blog properly =( but this thing nearly murdered us man.... but damn shiok okay! wahahhahahah.. must try wei! at shikiya!!.. i got diahhrea ..hahah..so did amy... and then nat also shat...but wonderful claims shes superwoman and she didnt get it "=_=
we are tom yam lovers
i diahhrea enuff adi so i had tendon instead.. okay onli la.. a bit regret.. should have just had my tom yum.. hur hur hur... this is not recommended
but my egg so cute wei!! hahaa.. i know la ;p im cute also... no need praise me geh.. WBhAhHAHHhA
denny again.. my most layan me.. no la.. kit also actally..bu christ wasnt there on sunday =(
and so those are my love loves of viewnet.. but got mroe la.. but i didnt take pics with them cuz alway so busy U_U wuwuwuuww.... nvm.. i shall go kacau them soon
i know today my post the way i write a bi weird.. but i quite sanfu on the floor of al amir now "=_= and fugz n chee weng pengacau..and im rushing to piaus.. so toodles.. mwacks
a clearer one... wtf man "=_= the 2 kelefehs there...disturb our picture.. cibai
Wednesday- 23rd May 07
went over to baby's hse to help wash cars!! hahaha.. and have dinner la duh.. his mum makes kickass curry wei! without santan @_@...
Monday - 21st May 07
photoshoot for leisurespot magazine.. yes "=_= im well aware its a mandarin magazine and im a banana.. BUT CANNOT IS IT NOW >=(
him getting very bored so entertain him a bit la
i dont know why i like this pic also.. hahahha
i failed thsi shot "=_= because i had a double chin "=_= pain douz
and then the camwhoring started.. AHHAHAHH
wonderful wong likes this pic but i dont know why "=_= can anybody tell me why
lan c me
all busy doing out own things.. hur hur hur
hahaha..thats us being idiots
we are hot.. no?
rolls eyes at them
his head got cropped off *o*
so he sat down instead...
more wiinnddd
trying to be a ghost
her smacking her head at my pose
i know u worship me.. mwahahahha..
Gin : aww.. my poor girl...MWHAHAHHAHAHAHA
lan c and idiot ;p
me the ghost.. hehe
im running out of captions
liek seriously
now tis cw the ghost
him doing the celcom ad thing
swim swim
porn star no 1
porn star no 2.. oh.. if ure wondering abt the tear at the bottom U_U that would b my fault.. HUR HUR HUR... dont ask
i like this pic.. damn cute okay!