i have more pics but i havent got them from other people yet T_T so i onli have these 3.. T_T.. *pouts* ....we should have camwhored more on thursday and yesterday T_T.. sigh...
i miss him already T_T...
oh god @_@..
i think im going to cry again....
kisssesss foorr meee.. lalallaa.. none foorr youuu ;p
tsk.. he's an even bigger camwhore than i am ;p
ears stolen off emily.. EMMMZZz.. I WAnnnNTTTTT...
me and esstellaa.. she so big adi *o*.. it seemed like just yestereday she was still small and tiny and could fit nicely on my lap
something about wonderful being on the wrong side or something "=_=
hahha..i love taking pics like this ;p so cute ya ;p
Bryans Farewell Dinner @ Gu Yue Tin, Chulan Square - 24 March 07
yeapsss... so i finally get to eat here!! Muacks to Bryan for keeping his word ;p lol.. food was good.unfortunately i was still pretty sick and hence i could not enjoy it much.. and my fav ppl like hamster was at the other table T_T... so poor me got stuck at quite a stressful place... far far away from my clowns T_T.. but i got to drag aaron wid me.. HEHE ;p... thanks *hugs*
after dinner went to FireBall with Bryan for a while and off to squares but was too sick in squares so pics only up to fireball.
my boy bryan =D .. gonna miss him *sniff sniff*
Bryan and... i dont know who they are.. his god sister or something @_@.. HOW I KNOW LA..
1 of my fav dish that night =D fried oysters with salad prawn.. and they even had strawberries at the bottom!! YUMMY! and i tell u hor! THE OYSTERS HOR! ORGASMIC SHIT WEI!!.. its all crispy and tasty outside and you bite in warmm andd juiiicyy and sooffttt.. OMG.. i want more T_T oh yes..i 4got to take pics of the food so i only have this..which is lucky since it's 1 of my favs.. HEHE
my fav DJ =D Loons! *runs from ernest and cheng boon*
my favourite foosers =D *lup them lots*
for some reason i really like this pic .. looks very advertisement feel @_@ cant u imagine the caption there on the top right or even the bottom right... SO ADVERT FEEL RIGHT
haha..too bad bryan's 1 not as nice
hsi shirt blend in very well lor *o* veyr nice to take his pics
she looks cute from the top ma. not cute meh!. betty boop ;p hahaa
us =D missing emz. BTW EMZ. IM STILL WAITING FOR OUR PICS *cough cough*
SUPER CUTE RIGHT!! she insist ugly "=_= her okay. i know i look damn fat here..
i like doing this to my face @_@ hahaha.. pictures usually turn out good
ah it was so dark fugz played with the cam and TADA!! without flash and still a bright picture. pretty cool yo!
and the boi who taught us all the things you could do with our normal cute little cameras.. well.. mine isnt usable seeing ian threw it when i refused to give him money to see this girl once... and he said he would buy me a new 1 which he never did either
the stage!
lee hom =D sighhh *hearts*
very pretty stage *o*
after the concert. i went on the stage T_T actually the ppl there said okay. den i go up adi suddenly 1 guy shoot @_@ wtf wei. the whole stage let me up u 1 person there shoot us. go die la.
its a bird! its a plane! NOOOO!! it's.... a LEE HOM SIGN!
i like this pic =D
me and sze ye. my fav pic of the day =D
my salad and my hot chocolate! hot chocolate was good! salad...was just ok
couldnt finish it =/
enjoying her mini cheeseburger. I SWEAR ITS INSTANT LOVE!!
another pic that i really like!
look ;p the sun shines on me.. all hail PRINCESS GINNY!. mwahahahhaa
alfin and me.. tsk.. acting lanc
mini cupcakes!! a lot tastier and addictive than the big ones
fav couple no 1 =D
daniel the weirdo ;p hahahah. *runs and hides*
the girls. rarw
the beaaaoootiful people of the night =D hahaha.. yes.. the lady on the bottom right is the shisha lady..shes a sweet heart yo
us and strawberries... yummm
i look like im about to hump the birthday girl.. mwahahhahahaha
shisha shisha... i wonder what besar besarx 10 is doing with her face ;p
me and the birthday girl! MUACKS! love you babe!
Jessies birthday drinking session @ Barblonde - 17 March 07
birthday girl opening her presents! oooo.. lingerie ;p
my love loves
besar besar x10 and her boo. arent they adorable! fav couple no 2! *hugs*
BUT IM THE 1 WHO ENDED UP LIKE THIS... like the oracle in 300 hor ;p lolz
my wings.. cool shit yea!! thanks to cheesie/ringo =D
ooooo..mroe people wants to come into the cup.. but why got kelefeh at the back?
ahh.. one of my fav pics of the night =D
they just had to be in the cup "=_=
bunnies in a cup
outside maisons ;p hahaa. we went parading around heritage remember ;p
and baby cheryl wanted to be an angel ;p lolz
u can tell how drunk he is from this picture "=_= eh but quite cool ya. he so far away but the angel is just right taht it looks like hes licking her face!
with i dont know who but he insisted he wanted to camwhore too.